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aokai ai
Aokai is a Co-Creator of Akua Hawaiki
and Lead Ceremonies Officiant.
A true adventurer, a simple being and one constantly seeking spiritual experiences.
Aokai was raised in the windy lands of Kohala, Hawai'i as a seedling and then was carefully transplanted with his 'ohana/family, by divine inspiration, to take root here in the rainy lands beneath Wai'ale'ale, Kaua'i.
Raised to continually seek a deeper connection with the winds, waters, land and light of our hawaiian islands. He found himself simply answering a call to live a life of a Kahu/Tahu (guardian of our hawaiian ways of life).
In 2017 Aokai crossed path with the legendary Kahu Kelvin Ho. It was a divine first meeting and one that profoundly changed the course of Aokai's life. Aokai became Kahu Kel's haumana/student and in April of 2018 he was woven into Kahu Kel's lineage being asked to simply continue to "share the living waters".
Aokai enjoys the gifts we are all given for free found within nature and his desire is to connect us to - that which already is.
Often described as: Life, Nature, The Source, God, Tao, Love and to him The Ancient Spirit of Hawai'i =
Now with the experiences, knowledge and blessings of those before him, he takes on the Kuleana (responsibility) of spiritually leading man and woman into marriage, through ceremony.
In ceremony
my desire for you and your chosen one is....
"to create a special sacred time and space to acknowledge
the intimate connection you share with each other and seal your
bond of love with the elements of the air, water and land of Hawai'i,
in the Spirit of Aloha"
- Tahu Ai

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